Tuesday, August 08, 2006

This is the primer designed to become no less a popular pass-time and challenge than Sudoku, but unlike which is only the beginning of a voyage of discovery with extensions into Magic Squares, their recursion cycles, the connection to Chaturanga and the origin of Chess, all leading to the Master geometric model ORIGINSZ which I began developing in 1982.

Once upon a line, a point in time: a number, as a letter
marked its place in space,

but from its rigid viewpoint reached out to embrace a more universal reality.

As numbers come, so numbers go and some multiplied threefold

to stand like soldiers in a row doomed to become –BINGO –
why, and how did we fail

in our voyage of discovery where all is such perfect harmony?

But now let their inner truth be known and how magic springs:

BGINSZS… a child’s play game as the gateway to ORIGINSZ,

a geometric language by which to re-chart our mindscape

to challenge the twisted reason of this world

which cannot get its numbers straight

while its words are parsed to become absurd

as madmen plunder and destroy in their folly to claim God’s grace

The Divine Compass traces our ignoble fate:

Who will state Sum Ergo Cogito?

This puzzle is a (perfect) four points-of-view distribution, with a special 'universal' tiling of the average values used in BINGO (like in Bridge). From the standard position (of South looking North, columns East to West) what was the card of origin?
Hint: numerical values 1-24 are used for letters A-Z : where N=14 but skipping O, P=15, so that W=22 and skipping X, Y=23 Solution: Exchange functional alpha-numeric Ordinal values with their equivalent tabular values by substituting their corresponding Nominal(Cardinal) BINGO place value.

Test: ‘A F U N K Y’ Ordinals (of Cardinal Nominals) = 75 ; their Ordinal tabular (BINGO)Nominals = 228,
representing one quarter of their respective totals: 300 and 912 [950-38* center] average value of the “DUMMY”


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